Optimize your risk management with these new fraud features
We’ve rolled out two fraud prevention features to improve your fraud management operations.

We've improved your risk management experience within our fraud prevention panel and Mangopay Hub.
Here’s a quick overview of what’s in for you:
- Custom roles in the HUB - Have a more secure and reliable fraud management environment by providing detailed control over who can perform specific fraud-related actions.
- Enhanced Rule Builder - We added the ability to create and incorporate lists directly within the rule builder and included device fingerprint attributes for building velocity rules.
1. Custom role in the HUB
The Custom Roles feature allows you to create and assign specific fraud prevention permissions to users from your team or other departments. This granular level of control provides greater flexibility compared to default roles. For example, you can create a custom role for a new team member responsible for monitoring transactions and assign only the necessary fraud prevention permissions.
With this kind of flexibility, custom roles also simplify your fraud management process by limiting the ability to create rules and impact transactions to only those users with approved access, reducing the chance of errors.
You can create and manage customised roles using the user-friendly Mangopay Hub. When creating a new role or updating an existing one, you can add or adjust permissions.
2. Enhancement in Rule Builder
We have improved the Rule Builder, making list-based rules easier and more intuitive. Key updates include:
- Direct list creation: You can now create lists directly from the rule builder and incorporate them in your rule conditions, allowing for single-column lists in logic expressions. Multi-column lists will be available soon.
- Device fingerprint attributes for velocity rules: For customers sending profiler data, we have enabled the use of device fingerprint attributes when building velocity rules within the Rule Builder. This allows for a more efficient and unified rule-building experience, enabling the combination of fingerprint velocity rules with other conditions in a single rule, eliminating the need for separate rule sets.
These enhancements offer increased flexibility and efficiency in configuring fraud prevention rules. They save time, reduce the number of tasks needed, and avoid back-and-forth navigation within the panel, effectively enhancing the management of large data volumes.
Have questions or need further clarification on these updates? Please feel free to reach out to your customer success manager or contact us here.